Monday, September 6, 2010

36th day

I went to church today. The church was an old house that they had converted into a church. It was small but there was a lake in the back and it was really pretty. But the congregation is really small there are only like 15 people. A lot of old people and one family with 4 kids. It was fast Sunday and I'm sorry to say that it wasn't a very peaceful attitude. One of the guys started yelling and pounding his fists during his testimony and then an old lady bore her testimony and the lady sitting next to me got up, left and slammed the door behind her. I couldn't understand anything so I have no idea what was going on but it was really scary, I had been counting on the church to be a peaceful place where I could rest and it turned out to be the opposite :( But then I went home and we had guests over. They were friends of Bent and Berit that were visiting the island with a church coir, they were really nice. We had a desert and then went on a walk down the beach and through the forest. It was really beautiful I'm sorry I didn't take more pictures, I will have to go down that way again. And then we had dinner, we had a really salty fish that is a Bornholm specialty, it was actually pretty good. And then we had chicken and potatoes for the second course. I really liked the potatoes, I think potatoes are an exchange students best friend, you can always trust potatoes :)


  1. Ah, the joys of a small branch! Personalities really play a role in the cohesion of a branch family. The important thing is to love 'em regardless. Just like here in our ward.:-)
