Friday, October 29, 2010

90th day

Thursday (I love it when I get to new numbers, 60, 70, 80, it's so exciting)
So today my PE class was canceled again, YES! And we had Danish lessons, it was really fun we played a game like go fish, all in Danish, and Jimmy brought pictures of his home in Hong Kong. He lives in a HUGE apartment building it must have like 60 floors, his family has a flat there, it must be really different form here. And then I spent the rest of the day packing for a Halloween Rotary get together we are having all weekend, I am really excited!

89th day

In school today I was working on my Danish homework, and it's really funny, whenever I work on my Danish I get this crowd around me and they all try to help me/ see me make a fool of myself. And we have decided that I am going to take a test in my biology class, I'm not sure it's a good idea but they said it would be mostly math, so... I had choir today, it was fun we sang our fist song in Danish, so I was able to work on my pronunciation, and we sang Like a Prayer, by Madonna, that was fun.

88th day

Today was another normal day in school. I had Danish lessons again, everyone actually showed up today, and we got chocolate :). In band my playing was MUCH better, now that I finally know the fingerings I can start playing well again. And I am studying my Danish in earnest now I am tired of not being able to understand anything.

87th day

Today it was back to school after a very long break. It was nice seeing everyone again. Today I tried translating a handout of Danish politic quotes that we got in or Social Studies class. It took a loooong time but I did it and am glad to say that my Danish is improving. The weather was great today so I went down to the beach for the first time in a long time and got some beautiful pictures. I also had French horn class today. I was finally able to figure out all of the fingerings for my horn! And then we watched a Danish soap opera that night.

86th day

Seeing as I stayed up till 2:00 last night I did not make it to church. Good thing I have seminary to keep me straight. But today Emil had a handball match. Handball is like socker only you play with you'r hands. It is a very fast game with hard core throwing the ball at the goal. The ball is covered in sap so it is easier for the players to hold onto. Gross hu? So if anyone asks you if you want to hold a handball be prepared, I wish someone had warned me. And I also made bacon and eggs for lunch on Sunday :). But all things come to an end and my host parents came to pick me up and I went home. It was very nice to get back to my bed and having my own bathroom :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

85th day

Today I went to the round church that is by my 2nd host family's house. The round churches are very special, there are 4 on the island and only 6 in all of Denmark. They are also very cool looking. The round churches used to be only the round part, with the window at the top being the door, a sentry controlled a rope ladder that could be raised and lowered. They were used as fortresses during pirate raids and invasions from Sweden. Pretty cool. They also had the story of Adam and Eve on the pillar inside, I wonder if the other churches have other story's? Later that afternoon we went to someones birthday party, it was really fun. I sat at the table with the 3 other teenagers and the 2 kids. The girl I sat next to Brittany, pronounced in a very Danish way, was very nice and I had a good time with her. The dinner was good and then for dessert we had some kind of ice-cream pie. One of the pies was Daim flavored, Daim is my new favorite candy bar, it is chocolate with caramel toffee inside, it also makes a great Mcflurry. So that was good and after the food the parents talked and all the teenagers and kids went to watch TV. There was a TV movie on and, it was in English! Yeah! It was actually a really good movie called Driving Mrs. I can't remember the name, sorry. And the 2 little girls were really cute, they kept trying to talk to me and I was just like "Ja, fint" witch means "Yes, fine" and is what I say when I don't understand someone talking to me in Danish. But eventually we just settled on playing catch. So it was a really great party and like most Danish party's went till 1:00 in the morning. That's the kind of party we're going to have when I get home!
PS. does anyone know what those cool looking symbols on the black grave mean?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

84th day

I made dinner today, with Emil's help of course, but I did lots of other stuff to! Today we picked apples! It was cold but it was also really fun, me and Emil had an apple throwing contest, needless to say, he won... by a lot. And I said that we should have apple pie so we agreed that Emil and I would make dinner and Mette would make dessert. However as some of you might have noticed I forgot the recipe and had to make the sesame seed chicken all from memory! I looked on the internet but all the recipes were different :( BUT it didn't turn out half bad. In fact the only thing that really annoyed me was Emil cut the chicken into really small pieces and it took forever to fry. So we had an awesome dinner and dessert. It was a great day :D

83rd day

Ug, I should have done this earlier. Umm, I can't really remember. We had ice cream for dessert, but it was supper flier, aka licorice, yuck. Oh, I played piano, Yeah!
So, enjoy some pictures...

82nd day

I got up and had breakfast with my host dad (because my host mom was already at work and Emil was still asleep. Then I worked on catching up on all the Seminary stuff I was unable to do when I was in Sweden, then Emil went to work and I hung out. That night we had a girl over that was my host sisters friend. She was really nice and is studying to be a nurse. She had a psychology book that was in English that was really interesting, but I don't envy her having to use it because it was really advanced English. And there are horses outside my window :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

81st day

Today we went to the largest IKEA in Sweden. It was pretty cool, they have lots of cool stuff and even a restaurant in the store,.I had the first mashed potatoes I'd had since arriving in Denmark. Then we started on our way back to Copenhagen. On our way their we went down the areas "prettyist" road. It was very pretty. And we also saw the hill that is all across Sweden that was created by the Ice Age, it was pretty cool. Then I got on a bus for the ferry, and then on the ferry. It was a stormy night so it was a kinda rough trip, but not too bad. Then I went to my Second host family's house. I will be staying with them for the rest of the week, and Emil cooked some crapes. Umum goood.

80th day

Monday and half way to 100 (I wonder how many days I will have in the end?)
Today we got up had breakfast and then we went on a walk through some really pretty countryside and saw all the other cool houses that they have up there. Then when we got back me and Jeppe made a giant leaf pile and did all sorts of crazy stuff with it. It was a ton of fun. Then my host dad spotted a moose and we all went off to find it, we did see it, although I was unable to take a picture. Then we had dinner and Jeppe made some cake in the old oven for dessert, it was good :)

79th day

Today we went to the largest store in northern Europe. I've seen bigger, but I've never seen a place so CROWDED! I was getting claustrophobic! But everything was supper cheep and I was able to get some cheep candy and clothes. After that we went home, and then we did some mushroom hunting! It was fun and the mushrooms tasted really good :D

And about the house we stayed in, because it was really cool. It is a really old house made the old fashioned way, and it has this really special Swedish stove in it. The stove is this huge thing made out of bricks and covered in really cool looking ceramic, the pipe going out of the stove winds through the bricks. Because the pipes are twisted the hot air doesn't escape straight up and because they are surrounded by bricks the bricks get heated up and that makes it hotter longer. It's a really cool way to heat a house.

78th day

The weather was really nice today, so we stayed at the house and just enjoyed the weather. First we got up and went on a walk. Then we came back for lunch, and then relaxed for the rest of the day, it was really relaxing.