Wednesday, October 6, 2010

67th day

Tuesday. I had Danish class today! It was so fun! It was kinda boring when the younger brother of the 2 left (I can remember their names now, Nico, the the youngest, and Nicoli, the older) on a school trip to, somewhere, I can't remember (I'm so jealous all these people are going on awesome trips around the world with their classes but since I'm only in the 1st grade I don't get to go! >:(). So we played a childs card game called black cat that's like old maid, it was fun, and all in Danish of course. And then I had Band! It was actually more of a wind orchestra I am the only brass instrument :( and I can't play! I don't know whats wrong but it's like you pick up the instrument that you have been playing for years, and go to play a really easy song, but when you go to play a note, another one comes out! and no matter how hard you try, you can't get the right note to come out, you have to change the fingering to make it sound right. So you go to play a song and your tone and tempo and all that other stuff is great, but you now have to use all new fingerings, and you have no idea what they are! So you loose confidence and you sound like crap. Embarrassing. Is this normal? Different instruments of the same kind having completely different fingerings? Someone that's good with music help me!

1 comment:

  1. It could be that the horn is in a different key. The horn you learned to play on may have been tuned to F and you may have a horn tuned to B flat. Go to this wikipedia link to find out more. If you suspect that's the case you could google a finger chart for a horn tuned to B flat.
