Thursday, October 28, 2010

85th day

Today I went to the round church that is by my 2nd host family's house. The round churches are very special, there are 4 on the island and only 6 in all of Denmark. They are also very cool looking. The round churches used to be only the round part, with the window at the top being the door, a sentry controlled a rope ladder that could be raised and lowered. They were used as fortresses during pirate raids and invasions from Sweden. Pretty cool. They also had the story of Adam and Eve on the pillar inside, I wonder if the other churches have other story's? Later that afternoon we went to someones birthday party, it was really fun. I sat at the table with the 3 other teenagers and the 2 kids. The girl I sat next to Brittany, pronounced in a very Danish way, was very nice and I had a good time with her. The dinner was good and then for dessert we had some kind of ice-cream pie. One of the pies was Daim flavored, Daim is my new favorite candy bar, it is chocolate with caramel toffee inside, it also makes a great Mcflurry. So that was good and after the food the parents talked and all the teenagers and kids went to watch TV. There was a TV movie on and, it was in English! Yeah! It was actually a really good movie called Driving Mrs. I can't remember the name, sorry. And the 2 little girls were really cute, they kept trying to talk to me and I was just like "Ja, fint" witch means "Yes, fine" and is what I say when I don't understand someone talking to me in Danish. But eventually we just settled on playing catch. So it was a really great party and like most Danish party's went till 1:00 in the morning. That's the kind of party we're going to have when I get home!
PS. does anyone know what those cool looking symbols on the black grave mean?

1 comment:

  1. Are you talking about the symbols on the black obelisk that as all of the dates on it? The o with the cross under it or the arrow coming out of it are commonly used as symbols for male and female, but I don't know if that's the case here. I don't know what the lightning bolt and double circle mean. You might have to ask someone that lives or works at the church what that means.
