Friday, October 15, 2010

76th day

I had a long day at school today, but it was still a good day. They had some people advertising something in the school today, and you know how in the US they hand out fliers and like a lollipop or something? Well in Denmark they hand out fliers and bread! Oh yhea, Denmark LOVES bread. So I had a snack for school. And I had PE today, it was fun, and not fun, at the same time. At first we just goofed off and did team building activity's. Then we had to do an obstacle course, and we just went through it again and again, and it was really tiring, and towards the end I royally biffed it. That was embarrassing.
Then after school I went with my Danish class to the museum here in Ronne. It's really cool, it used to be the hospital, and it is a really big old building full of old stuff. My favourite room was one full of antique grandfather clocks that were all made here in Ronne, it was really cool. Unfortunately I didn't bring my camera so I was unable to take any pictures. And after that, I hung out with Nicoli, looking at all the stuff in the museum yard for half an hour. Because we didn't look at that as part of the tour and we are both big history nerds. It was cool they have a lot of old gravestones, chunks of buildings, and the hospital bomb shelter which is really big because it was for the hospital.

I've heard that some people (you know who you are) are annoyed by my bad grammar/English/spelling in this blog, so I will try to make it more professional. I will probably fail.


  1. Hey, I just read an article that said Jane Austen was a poor speller and grammarian:

    She's renowned for her precise, exquisite prose, but new research shows Jane Austen was a poor speller and erratic grammarian who got a big helping hand from her editor.

    Read the article here:

  2. So you're in good company despite your bad grammar/English/spelling. :-)
