Tuesday, September 14, 2010

44th day

Sunday I went to church and then read my scriptures in the park, I also went on a walk in the woods near my house, it was a nice relaxing day :)


  1. Beautiful pictures of the forest and I'm sure it doesn't even do it justice! It looks very peaceful. I especially liked the picture of the steps. Solid, moving upward, not swayed by the seasons, yet it must be traveled often to stay clear of the growth around it.

  2. I want to go on a walk with you there! It looks gorgeous. I'm so proud of you for keeping up with your scripture study. I am 2 chapters short of finishing the Book of Mormon for the YW Challenge.
    "What's next?" you say... I'm starting the Doctrine and Covenants to read along with Nate's seminary class.

    I miss you! Love your blog.
