Wednesday, November 3, 2010

92nd day

This is going to be a long one guys. Lets see, we were annoyingly woken up like at any camp, with a blow horn and much yelling. Then those of us desperate enough went to the gym to use the community showers. Then we had an excellent breakfast of bread and chocolate, a very common breakfast food here. Oh and there was cheese and jam to, not that many people ate them. Then they basically let us do whatever we wanted for the rest of the day. They had activities but none of them were required, all we really had to do was be their for dinner. I thought it was great, you had stuff to do if you were board but if you just wanted to hang out with your friends you could. So after breakfast we could go on a walk into town if we wanted to, so we did. We followed this guy who lived in the area, and he took us through this really beautiful forest path. We also saw a really mangled bike. When we got to the town all we did was walk around and eat McDonallds. It was nice to go to MicyD's with friends again. Then on our way back we played follow the leader. Haha... When we got back to the school we had lunch. And then after lunch somehow they convinced me to play hockey. I was the goally and I let all the shots through, oddly I feel like we wouldn't have done so bad if a better sports person was goally. Then the people that got there soon enough could carve pumpkins, I didn't get there soon enough but I was able to fold napkins for the dinner that night. Woho. Then we all got ready for the big Halloween dinner and dance. It was a lot of fun, everyone had such cool costumes! I loved seeing all of them. We had a really good dinner of, meet, potatoes, bread, and salad. What did you expect? It's Denmark. Then there was a talent show. There were 4 acts, all of them involved singing, I mean I love singing and all but sometimes I wish people would experiment with other talents too. But they had some games on stage between the acts that were fun. My favorite was when they asked couples to come up and then made them propose to each other. It was really cute, they had a couple dressed up as Shrek and Fiona, and Neha went up with my other friend Phil and said she would only marry him if he did the dishes every day. And at the end one of the oldies from Australia came up and sang and she was amazing! Then they had a band play, the band was actually, I think, really cool. They played lots of old classic songs, including, oddly enough, the Duck-tales them song. So I thought it was really fun, but everyone else thought they were lame, and that they could't dance to that kind of music. I think it's easier than dancing to Americano music. I know how to dance to so much now. Then they had a DJ after the band. The DJ was also really great, but after 3:00 I just couldn't dance anymore, so I took a shower and went to bed, where thankfully I blacked out instantly.

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